
Guided nature hikes

You want to do more on your hike than just walk and enjoy nature? On our guided hikes in the Swiss destination Flims Laax Falera you can even learn something about the flora and fauna. From May to October you have the opportunity to join one of our themed walks accompanied by a geo-guide, a mushroom inspector, a herb expert, a gamekeeper or an orchid expert. Curious to know more? Find out about the different guided hikes we offer.

Overview of the guided hikes in the region

On the way with nature experts. Take the opportunity to learn more about the flora and fauna between Segnesboden and the Rhine Gorge. The varied programme from April to the end of October offers exciting excursions led by experts. Please note that the tours are held in German only.

Booking nature tour

You would rather be more independent and organize your tour individually with a hiking guide? Find the right companion here.

April - September

On the road with the gamekeeper

Equipped with binoculars, we go on a game drive with the gamekeeper Gieri Derungs. Gieri will take you to the beaver territory in Castrisch and show you their tracks in the field. The excursions in September and October lead into the remote Val da Siat to watch the deer during the noisy pair hunt. Binoculars are provided.

Available dates:

  • 28 September 2024 in Val da Siat
  • 29 September 2024 in Val da Siat

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May - September

Flims landslide

An enormous natural event 9,500 years ago shaped the landscape around Flims. Find out more about the largest rockslide in the Alps on the easy hike through the Flims Forest. The excursion with a GeoGuide Sardona leads past Lake Cauma, the impressive Rhine Gorge and on to Lake Cresta.

Available dates:

  • 21 September 2024

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May - September

Four mysterious lakes

On your mountain bike, you ride on easy paths through beautiful forest of Flims and over the landslide terrain. Between Flims and Trin are hidden mountain lakes that fill and drain as if by magic. The GeoGuide Sardona will reveal the secret and tell you about the gigantic Flims landslide, the karst system and the Rhine gorge.

Available dates:

  • 27 July 2024
  • 14 September 2024

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May - October

Wildlife watching in Bargis

The Bargis plateau is framed by rugged rock faces, the habitat of chamois and ibex. And not far from the hiking trail live marmots. With patience and a bit of luck, the animals can be observed with a telescope. The ranger will give you an exciting insight into the animal world.

Available dates:

  • 22 June 2024
  • 29 June 2024
  • 12 October 2024

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June - August

Trutg dil Flem – unique canyon landscape

Hike from Nagens to Flims along the wild mountain stream Flem. The boldly constructed bridges and the diversity of the natural element water impress on this award-winning hiking trail. On the way, the GeoGuide Sardona shows the gorges, whirlpools, forms of erosion and places them in their scenic context. Here and there views of the UNESCO-World Heritage Site open up.

Available dates:

  • 15 June 2024
  • 31 August 2024

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August - October

Experience the UNESCO-World Heritage Sardona

GeoGuides Sardona reveal the secret of the magic line, the folds and the Martinsloch during the hike. They explain the mountain formation in an exciting and vivid way. The hike leads around the lower Segnesboden with its alluvial plain and moorland of national importance.

Available dates:

  • 3 August 2024
  • 17 August 2024
  • 7 September 2024
  • 19 October 2024

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On the way with the mushroom connoisseur

Is it a toxic doppelganger or an edible mushroom. On your way into nature, the mushroom inspector will give you tips and tricks on how to correctly determine, collect and prepare mushrooms.

Available dates:

  • 24 August 2024
  • 25 August 2024

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NEW - The inhabitants of extensive habitats

The extensive use of the cultivated landscape between Falera and Laax has created species-rich habitats over the centuries. On a walk through the dry, sun-drenched slopes and the moist, unfertilized fens, we discover their various impressive inhabitants. We get to know their habitats and deal with the problem of the endangerment of the habitat. 

Available dates:

  • 10 August 2024

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Buchenwald Walk

GeoGuide Kari Koller takes you on a hike through the corry beech forest to the Rhine Gorge. On the forest walk you will learn more about the forest and the geological background of Flims.

Available dates:

  •  5 October 2024

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Individual tours by GeoGuide Sardona

Book your personal World Heritage experience. The certified GeoGuides Sardona know the World Heritage region very well and are happy to share their knowledge with you. On a private hike with your GeoGuide you will get to know the area in a whole new way. The GeoGuide will contact you to discuss all the details and design the hike according to your wishes. 

Learn more


Registration is required by Friday, 3 p.m. at the latest. Online or at the Guest Information office Flims Laax Falera.

Please note that the tours are held in German only.

Email [email protected]

Tel. +41 81 920 92 00



  • CHF 25.00 for adults and youths
  • CHF 5.00 for adults and youths who are holders of a guestcard for Flims Laax Falera, Trin und Sagogn as well as for locals
  • Free for kids up to 12 years
  • Transportation is not included in the price


  • Wanderschuhe mit Profilsohle
  • dem Wetter angepasste Kleidung
  • Getränke und Zwischenverpflegung

Feldstecher sind in der Gästeinformation in Flims erhältlich (Preis pro Tag CHF 10.00)
